Final Decommissioning after EXPO2020
All countries participating at EXPO2020 must remove their pavilion, equipments and elements that are part of the exposition, after the event.
TNBuilt-West offers full decommissioning of the pavilion, including all equipments and contents.
We can handle the shipping to return all contents to your home country.
In case we build your pavilion, we offer you the possibility to rebuilt it completely in your own country, returning to your people an important part of the investment made in EXPO2020 Dubai.
TNBuilt-West offers full decommissioning of the pavilion, including all equipments and contents.
We can handle the shipping to return all contents to your home country.
In case we build your pavilion, we offer you the possibility to rebuilt it completely in your own country, returning to your people an important part of the investment made in EXPO2020 Dubai.